Discover Panama

Rejoice Spring! Travel to a new, exotic destination. Experience the Panama Canal and San Blas Islands onboard Just Enough this May.
Your dream Private Yacht Vacation is right around the corner. Cruise through the San Blas Islands and through the Panama Canal. The Islands are a chain of 365 islands 56 NM from Colon, and keys extending over 160 km along the Caribbean Coast from the Gulf of San Blas to the Colombian border. 80% of the islands are uninhabited.Although only a 20-minute plane ride away from Panama City, a trip to the San Blas islands will transport you 20 centuries into the past. The Kuna Indians, who are fiercely independent from the Panamanian government, run all the islands as an autonomous province with minimal interference from the national government. They have maintained their own economic system, language, customs and culture, with distinctive dress, legends, music and dance and thus have avoided traditional tourism development. Each island is run by a chief.Today’s Kuna Indians inhabit the islands in the same way their ancestors did: trading coconuts and fishing for crabs, lobsters and snappers aboard their graceful hand carved wooden canoes complete with patchwork sails, called “Cayucos’. Most of the communities speak only the ancient Indian language and the women still wear the traditional colorful dresses in orange and yellow, highlighted with the world famous “mola” rainbow colored patterns emblazoned with fishes, birds, jungle animals or geometric designs. Their calves and arms are tightly bound with lengths of beads known as “Uinni” and they wear a golden ring through the tip of their nose.
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